Horse Pull
Friday, August 22nd - 4:00PM
* To Comply with VT Agency of Agriculture all out of state teams MUST provide proof of bill of health to include Coggins for each animal.
All horses must be ready to weigh in by 2:00PM when scales open. Admission armband must be on wrist.
Rules and Regulations of the Eastern Draft Horse Association, Inc. will govern the contests. The Vermont Drug Law Sec. 1 V.S.A. Chapter 9 will be in force, as will be VT Equine Activities Law, acceptance of inherent risks, 12 V.S.A. Chapter 1039.
All participants will pay Fair Gate Fee.
VT Fairs Association policy for drug testing will be followed.
The Rules of the Eastern Draft Horse Association will be followed in their entirety. Numbers will be drawn at registration, prior to the start of the pulls.
All teams will be required to remain in the pulling area after the pull if requested to do so by the Superintendent. The Superintendent reserves the right to disqualify any team he feels may endanger the spectators.
In each class, trophies will be awarded to first place finishers and rosettes will be awarded for the 2nd - 5th place. Payout will be given to 1st - 5th place in each class.
There will be three classes:
3100 lbs. and under
3101 to 3300 lbs.
Open Class
"Good Pull" The weighted sled must be pulled at least twelve feet.
"Colt/horse" A male horse is considered a colt until he reaches his fourth birthday, when he becomes a horse.
"Birthday" All horses celebrate their birthdays on January 1 regardless of when they were born.
How many years can the typical team pull?
Ten years, but many can go much longer.
How old are horses before they are entered into pulls?
Usually about four years.
Approximately what final weight will the winners pull?
Winning teams will usually pull between 8,000 and 12,000 pounds depending upon the condition of the track (dry track less, wet track more).
PREMIUMS: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th place
ALL CLASSES: $200, $180, $160, $140, $120